Informatii generale

joi, 19 decembrie 2024

Radio SDR cu circuitul integrat TEF6686

 Un observator atent (radioamator olandez PE5PVB) a gasit ca in radiourile auto se utilizeaza cipul  TEF6686 de la NXP Semi. Si apoi a gasit pe la chinezi modul de tuner complet, asa ca fost doar un pas sa puna butoane, ecran si cu softeala aferenta, a iesit un aparat radio AM si FM.

Din foaia de catalog a lui TEF6686:

The Low IF Tuner HIgh performance One chips, TEF6686 and TEF6688, are single-chip radio ICs including an AM/FM radio tuner and software-defined radio signal processing. They extend NXP Semiconductors’ broad, industry-proven car radio single tuner portfolio, offering outstanding radio performance with the widest range of features and state of the art software algorithms at optimized system costs. (

Sursa de pe github

O scurta demonstratie de functionare

Pe AliExpress cauti dupa 'TEF6686 Full Band FM AM Radio Receiver', costa de la 300 de lei.

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